xariona.db fast and multifunctional database module
Installing npm
npm install --save xariona-db
Danger! node engine version 12.x recommended
Horay! lets setup the module!
constXariona=require("xariona-db")constdb=newXariona("json") // JSON and sqlite are supported
constXariona=require("xariona-db")constdb=newXariona("json")db.setAndSave("userData.bio","hello i am the user!")// -> truedb.getFromDb("userData.bio")// -> "hello i am the user!"db.fetchFromDb("userData.bio")// -> "hello i am the user!"db.setAndSave("userData", { certificate:true, bio:"hello i am the user!" })// -> truedb.deleteAndSave("userData")// -> truedb.pushAndSave("userData.jobs", ["cooker","mamamia"]) // -> truedb.version() // -> 1.0.x